Fibaro button working with HA

HI Community

Can someone please point me in the right direction.

Goal - to turn a Fibaro ‘the button’ into a doorbell, by playing text on sonos speakers when pressed.

But - it is not happening… seems like the automation is not being triggered.


  entity_id: zwave.doorbell
  scene_id: 1
  scene_data: 0
event_type: zwave.scene_activated
platform: event

Testing with hue lights - works fine when automation is manually activated.

OZW log output when pressing the button:

2020-06-08 00:16:02.069 Detail, Node017,   Received: 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x11, 0x05, 0x5b, 0x03, 0x3b, 0x80, 0x01, 0x06
2020-06-08 00:16:02.069 Detail,
2020-06-08 00:16:02.070 Info, Node017, Received Central Scene set from node 17: scene id=1 in 7680 seconds. Sending event notification.
2020-06-08 00:16:02.070 Warning, Node017, No ValueID created for Scene 1

The doorbell has the entity: zwave.doorbell

Now, it seems like the automation is not being triggered when the button is being pressed. How come ?

The button is a Fibaro fgpb-101.

arch x86_64
chassis vm
dev false
docker true
hassio true
host_os HassOS 4.9
installation_type Home Assistant
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.44
python_version 3.7.7
supervisor 227
timezone Europe/Copenhagen
version 0.110.5
virtualenv false

Regards Jorn

Also tried with:

  entity_id: zwave.doorbell
  scene_data: 7680
  scene_id: 1
event_type: zwave.scene_activated
platform: event

But same results… no activation of the automation.


You need to update the xml cache file as described in the docs.

hmmm. Did see it, but thought that was 1 or 2 z-wave generations old… still the way to go… don’t like to mess around with the internals of zware :wink:

Will give it a go.



Still required by the native zwave integration, which uses the old OZW 1.4.

The new beta ozw integration supports it without any hacking of config files.

So, one way to go, would be to activate zwave beta ? and then when it becomes mainstream, return to that ?


Not sure I understand your question, but the ozw and zwave integrations are completely different. Using one will have no impact on the other, and they can’t be used at the same time.