I have successfully paired two Fibaro FGD212 dimmer 2 devices with Home Assistant (rpi3, hassbian, z-wave stick). After that a lot of entities are showing up in Home Assistant. Here is the complete list;
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 (zwave)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 (zwave)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Alarm Level (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Alarm Level (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Alarm Type (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Alarm Type (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Energy (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Energy (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Exporting (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Exporting (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Heat (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Heat (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Level (light)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Level (light)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Power (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Power (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Power (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Power (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Power Management (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 Power Management (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 SourceNodeId (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 SourceNodeId (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 System (sensor)
FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2 System (sensor)
Is there some documentation available with an explanation for all these entities? Some of them are self explanatory, but I don’t know (for example) what the alarm or exporting entity does. And does anyone know why I have 2 power (sensor) entities per device?
You would need to read between the lines of the documentation of the Fibaro Dimmer, or read about the Fibrao Controller / Gateway.
Basically Fibaro support a LOT of great feature, also features which I haven’t seen anywhere else, and which are quite advanced… but check out the documentation, it actually good.
The Dimmer 2 has actually two dimmer devices hence the duplication of all devices.
Input (button) + output (light)
Input only (button)
De second input can be used to control other devices of can be used a a scene selector.
If you use it as scene selector you can trigger different scene by pressing the button once, twice, 3 times of hold the button.
I use the first device to control a physical light in the bedroom and the second to open / close curtains.
My second one is “on”, I find it annoying that I can’t turn it off from HA! Also there isn’t a way to distinguish which is which when initially adding a device apart from checking if the light comes on.
Just moved to a new house, so still need to setup my scene’s etc… This is the script which I used as an experiment. Maybe it will help you. It sends a simple message to my phone. (FYI; “waskamer_muurschakelaar” is dutch for “whashingroom_wallswitch”).
Hi! I am completely new to the HA community and not a programmer guy however I have some very little experience from my childhood.
I integrated HC2 to HA easily but I am having problem starting a HA scene with by Fibaro Walli Dimmer (Button 2 pressed 2x).
I have found Your code but I don’t understand. I see the light controlled by the Walli Dimmer in HA and I can control it but I don’t find the Dimmer itself and where to get any clue about what trigger to look for.
Could You please help!
Hi @rkrythe.
Could tell me what integration you are using? Do you have a Fibaro home center in your network? Or you are using direct z-wave stick -> FGD212 dimmer connection?
Thank you in advance.
You can turn it off in HA by just opening the entity from the Z-Wave interface and just switching it of.
Thanks to this topic I now understand why all switch / relay / dimmer entities are TWO devices in HA - so you can use a second / double switch. Palm -> Face.
You should avoid opening up 2 year + old threads and replying. The entire interface you speak of didn’t exist at the time when this thread was created.