Fibaro Dimmer2 not working anymore

Hello! Newbie here so bear with me :slight_smile:

A couple of months ago I started with HA as I needed a solution for the lights in my home theatre, as I wanted them to go off/on when starting/stopping a movie.

For this, I’ve been using a Fibaro Dimmer2 with an Aotec Z stick Gen5 and I created the necessary automations. Everything has been working fine until recently.

Due to a power failure, HA didn’t worked as previous and I started from scratch. The automations are correct and the devices are all available and alive.

However; The Fibaro Dimmer2 doesn’t respond anymore to the automations. I’ve noticed that the Dimmer2 device information mentions “highest security: S0 Legacy”. From what I can remember, this wasn’t mentioned in the past.

Is the problem related to this security thing? If so, what is the solution to this problem? I’ve already tried to interview/heal the device and even removed it. A reset on the Dimmer2 side has been done as well but no matter what I do, the highest security thing stays on S0 Legacy (even when I try adding the device as non-secure).

Thanks in advance for all your feedback!

Perhaps. zwavejs now supports the 2 versions of Z-Wave encryption in addition to unencrypted devices. In my opinion, unless it is something like a door lock, encryption is not needed.

The current default in zwavejs it to try to use encryption if the device supports it.I believe that is the wrong default. For S0 and, I assume S2 Security the device must be included after a fresh factory reset. I use the zwavjs2mqtt control panel. Whenever I include a device I select the menu to include it unencrypted. You may want to exclude the device from the network and include it again as unencrypted.

One other possibility is that I have had some devices that would not properly include into the network unless it was factory reset after exclusion.