Hi there, i have difficulties using my FGR223 properly together with an IKEA Zygbar Z-Wave switch and roller blinds, bacause the stopping behavior is not working as expected.
When having connected the FIbaro through cables to a single (push) switch, the behavior was as follows:
Push once: Blinds are closing
Push again during closing: Blinds are stopping
Push again: Blinds are opening
…and so on.
With having the Fibaro connected to HA via Z-Wave JS controlled by Zygbar remote (one button for opening, another button for closing), i can’t manage the blinds to stop during movement.
Behavior is like follows now with the according automation:
Push button left: open cover → Cover is opening
Push button right: close cover → Cover is closing
But pushing either of the buttons during movement doesn’t stop the movement (like expected because of the wired behavior)
I would have to use a third button for the separate cover stop command, but i don’t have enough buttons for this.
How did you guys solve this?