Fibaro FGSD-002 smoke sensor : can I use it like siren with manual HA alarm?

Hello from France, :wink:

I would like to install Fibaro FGSD-002 Smoke sensor on my installation (Rasberry pi3 + razberry).
I have motion sensors, and the manual HA Alarm.
I would like to use the siren of the smoke sensor when HA alarm is declenched.

Is it possible ?

Have a nice day. :upside_down_face:

I was thinking in the same lines. Having 3 Fibaro smoke sensors, when one goes on then trigger the others alarm. Would be helpful, if the alarm in the basement goes on, then then the alarm in my bedroom on the second floor also sounds the alarm.

Emailing Fibaro, they confirm this is not posible due to the z-wave protocol for smoke sensors. You have to buy a separate alarm devise.

Ok, never mind.
Thank you for your reply !