Fibaro Multisensor Sleeping (CacheLoad)

zwave panel sleeping motion

I recently installed a Fibaro Multisensor into my homeassistant setup. Activating/pairing the sensor with the Z-stick went OK. But after some minutes/hours in went into a deep sleep. And not registering any changes in luminance, temp. etc. in the past 8 hours.
How do I configure this sensor to work with HA and update it’s states regularly? I have the folllowing wishes:

  • temperature updates very 1/2 hour
  • disable tamper/alarm (to spare battery)
  • rest of the settings should remain default (for now)

I found these settings in ‘Node Config Options’ in HA. But didn’t manage to make these settings permanent. How do I save these settings?

I have the following Fibaro panel set up in groups.yaml
zwave fibaro panel 2 version 0.51.2

Luminance will update with changes of minimal 200 lux at default, check parameter 40 (luminance report - threshold) in the Z-Wave config panel and change the value to e.g. 10. The temperature report threshold (parameter 60) is default 10 (1C), check this setting… 0 means no report are send to the controller…

Wake up the motion sensor by triple clicking the B-button and change the values in the Z-Wave configuration in HASS.

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Thanks for the tips. I changed the luminance report - threshold to 10 and pressed the B-button 3 times. Both temperature and lumimance changed. And cacheload in the zwave panel is gone for now. By the way. I think the temp is about one degree off. I have another sensor in the same spot and a regular (not HA connected) thermostat and they both have a lower temp value. Is there any way to give it a small correction?
Oh and i want to change the lux value to correspond with the hue lux value. I had it working the other way around today so that shouldn’t be a problem.

zwave panel sleeping fixed

CacheLoad is a normal state for the Z-Wave device because it’s powered by a battery, it will sleep and wake up at the given interval, also in Z-Wave configuration. :wink:

The temperature offset is also a config parameter, parameter 66. Check the other parameters for a better understanding of the behaviour of the multisensor…

Because it’s a battery powered device, wake up the multisensor by triple clicking the magic button and apply your changes (and check them afterwards). :slight_smile:

Good luck!


I get the same CacheLoad for motion sensor. However all my measurements update except the Tamper Alarm is stuck at 255. It’s identified as “General” but I can’t get it to refresh even after refreshing, healing and testing the node.

Any ideas?

Did you managed to get the Tamper Alarm sensor working? I am experiencing exactly the same behavior.

I’m also seeing this with three of my GE Z-Wave motion switches. All the sensors work but the burglar is always returning 254 (deep sleep).

I have a problem with the temperature sensor (using Fibaro FGMS-001 Multisensor) in HA.
I only get temperature measures when movements are detected. For example, the sensor is sleeping for 14 hours now And of course, the last temperature reported was 14 hs ago.

I have the following parameter in this node:

wake up interval: 7200

60 - Temperature report - threshold: 10
This parameter determines the change in measured temperature that will result in new temperature report being sent to the main controller. Available settings: 0 - 255 (0.1 - 25.5C; 0 = reports are not sent) Default setting: 10 (1C)

62 - Temperature measuring - interval: 900
Time interval between consecutive temperature measurements. The shorter the time, the more frequently the temperature will be measured, but the battery life will shorten. Available settings: 0 - 32767 (1 - 32767 seconds; 0 = temperature is not measured) Default setting: 900 (900 seconds).

64 - Temperature report - interval: 0
Time interval between consecutive temperature reports. The reports are sent even if there is no change in the temperature. Available settings: 0 - 32767 (1 - 32767 seconds; 0 = periodical reports are not sent) Default setting: 0

What could be the problem?

I think this might be your problem:

64 - Temperature report - interval: 0
Time interval between consecutive temperature reports. The reports are sent even if there is no change in the temperature. Available settings: 0 - 32767 (1 - 32767 seconds; 0 = periodical reports are not sent) Default setting: 0

I’m reading that as if the value is set to 0 temperature is never reported.