Just purchased a Smart Implant and it shows up as unknown type 0502 id 2000. Looking in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/python_openzwave/ozw_config/manufacturer_specific.xml, I see there is a line for 0502 id 1000, but not id 2000. If I add a line for id 2000, then the device is recognized, but the sensors don’t seem to update properly. (ie, I get an initial temperature reading, but then it never updates again). Any one have ideas on how to fix?
Small update - so far, the only way I can get the temperature updates is to poll the sensor entity for each temperature probe. Wondering if anyway has figured out how to get the Implant to send the temperature changes automatically instead of needing to poll.
I am at the same exact point you are. Super frustrating because I do think this could be a handy device if it would report out… Let me know if you figured anything out?
I had the same problem but it works now. Thanks to the experts in the fibaro forum!
In short: You have to change the multichannel associations.
In ZWaveJS2MQTT select the node, the click in the tab “groups”. Then change the association for
Endpoint 0 (no change)
Group Lifeline (no change)
Node NodeID_1 (no change)
Target Endpoint change from “none” to “0”
To change the association you have to delete the old and add a new one.
I cant say that I understand why this works, but it works
Read more here:
Hope this helps