File editor has stopped working, but Win 10 reboot restores it

Update: Although I had some reboots during this troubleshooting, It apparently took one more reboot after the original post to restore the File Editor. Working well now. Now trying to get Samba working.

Today, I started from scratch to build a new instance using VirtualBox on Win 10/Chrome of Home Assistant. HA 7.5 consists of :
Core Supervisor Host
Version Version Hostname
core-20223.5 supervisor—2022.034 homeassistant
Newest Version Newest Version IP Address
core-2022.35 supervisor-2022.034
Channel Operating System
stable Home AssIstant OS 7.5
Current Add-ons are Check Home Assistant configuration
Duck DNS
File editor
Let’s Encrypt
Samba share

File editor had been used once to to edit configuration.yaml.

A second attempt to use File Editor resulted in a black empty screen.

I also tried to use Samba to access configuration.yaml But I am unable to acess the config folder.

Samba configuration

  - fe80::/10
compatibility mode: false
password: 628500klr
username: klrock
  - ._*
  - .DS_Store
  - Thumbs.db
  - icon?
  - .Trashes
workgroup: WORKGROUP```

Unable to provide configuration.yaml due to these issues.