Find Wink Entity IDs

This should be a simple one,

I used the “Wink” Component to add all of my wink compatible devices, which should be around 30 lights and 60 sensors. I am working on grouping and views now, but how can I see a list of all my entity IDs? Since I used the wink component everything was added to Home Assistant in Bulk, so I didn’t name them, they were named automatically.


Click the three bars in the upper left hand corner (if not already open) and then click the <> icon in the developers tools. This will provide you with a list of all entity IDs and some associated info about them.

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You can also use the entity_namespace: option to make them a bit easier to locate in dev states.

# Wink API
  email: !secret wink_email
  password: !secret wink_password
  client_id: !secret wink_client_id
  client_secret: !secret wink_client_secret
  entity_namespace: 'wink'
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I knew it was simple, and I knew I would look stupid. haha. Thank you very much!

Not stupid, just new to the platform. That’s why we’re here - to help each other. :+1:

Were you able to get the entity_namespace to work for wink? I keep getting an invalid config error when I add it.

This has changed as the component has been refactored. My solution above no longer works; instead you need to specify the namespace separately for each device type. For instance, if you want to add the namespace “winkdevice” to your Wink lights and switches, you now do it like this.


  - platform: wink
    entity_namespace: winkdevice

  - platform: wink
    entity_namespace: winkdevice