I have a Zigbee CC2652RB stick running in combination with zigbee2mqtt. Does anyone know if the following CO2 detector works on this: FireAngel ZBCO-AE-10X-EUR
5fe0b03528b104530c8bd7cd_AngelEye by FireAngel ZBCO-AE-10X-EUR.pdf (website-files.com)
I have a Zigbee CC2652RB stick running in combination with zigbee2mqtt. Does anyone know if the following CO2 detector works on this: FireAngel ZBCO-AE-10X-EUR
5fe0b03528b104530c8bd7cd_AngelEye by FireAngel ZBCO-AE-10X-EUR.pdf (website-files.com)
I believe the product you have is this one documented here FireAngel W2-Module control via MQTT | zigbee2mqtt.io?
Okay en do it work in Home Assistant?
No idea, I do not have a Zigbee compatible stick myself, the project says that it’s creator @Koenkk is the last person to update update page I shared, maybe they can shed some light on the Home Assistant integration (I’m sure it does work with this device)
I have now an Carbon monoxide sensor from FireAngel with the zigbee [W2-Module
I only not see the batterij power status.
I only see on status the link quality
What happens when you press the button? Do any other values show? BTW this is a CO sensor not a CO2 sensor
sorry yes the name is wrong my mistake it is a co sensor.
When i press the button i don’t see any values. Normaly is must see a temp sensor but this is not working.
I dont know what else you can do then, from my digging it appears that @Koenkk wrote the device handling code for Zigbee2MQTT but I may be wrong
Could you try enabling the debug log, removing the device from the network and then adding it back in?
Then share the logs here, there may be something going on that means that the other values aren’t coming in
Hi @avdgaag,
is it a W2 module (868MHz) or a ZB-Module?
I’ve just bought a W2-Module for my NM-CO-10X-INT, but was not able to pair with the coordinator. On the other hand, I’m a bit confused, if I need the W2-module or the ZB-Module for zigbee2mqtt
How did you pair it with the coordinator?
It should be the ZB-Module, you just need to press the button once to pair it I believe
thanks! the zigbee2mqtt site is pretty misleading than
I have now purchased the carbon monoxide from Fire Angel with the W2 module. Pairing goes well, but not all values are read.
The battery status and carbon monoxide is not available