FireTV States are inconsistent and delayed

I successfully have the FireTV integrated via the AndroidTV component and the ADB server. I am able to see my FireTV and its current state. I am trying to set up an automation to dim lights based on the source and state of the FireTV. Lights dim when state is “playing” and return to normal when state changes from “playing” (so paused or stopped). This is the issue that I am having…

  • Amazon Video (source: displays a state “paused” when a video is playing or paused.

  • Netflix (source: displays a states properly when actually playing but it also displays “playing” when a preview is playing by hovering over a show.

Is anyone trying to accomplish what I am trying to accomplish and found a way to bypass these issues?

This should get you faster updates by polling the device more frequently:

State detection is a known issue: How to help with state detection!