Fitbit requires https?


I’m trying to setup Fitbit app, I cannot save the app on Fitbit site, comes up with following error:

Has anyone else hit this? The site states that https is not required but preferred which indicates it should be allowing it.

Not only will it require https, but you won’t get very far with a private IP either. You need to look into setting up https and a dynamic dns service (e.g. Let’s Encrypt and DuckDNS) so that callbacks are secure and to a public IP. The upcoming support in 0.84 for cloud-based webhooks may mean that you don’t need to set up https and dynamic dns locally, but that will require a Nabu Casa subscription I believe.

Thanks, I have been trying with my domain setup with let’s encrypt and ngix. Https to HA was working fine but had error “Developer information: invalid_request - Invalid redirect_uri parameter value” when attempt to authorize. Thought I read on here should be using internal address instead of external for callback so was attempting that when hit the http/https error.

Managed to get it working after deleting app on HA and Fitbit ends and recreating them, showing configured now so hopefully see some data soon.