* Fixed* Darksky 0.93 - No Sensors

Hi all,
Had a few issues with 0.93 but finally down to the last one.
Darksky sensors aren’t showing up. 0.91 yes!, 0.92 no, 0.93 no

I’m running with the same config and haven’t changed it between the updates.
Things I have tried:

  • Renewed API secret
  • Checked Config and restarted several times
  • Read other posts but not related to this issue


  • platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret dark_sky_api
    - 0
    - pressure
    - daily_summary
    - cloud_cover
    - precip_probability
    - temperature_low
    minutes: 60


Unable to connect to Dark Sky. HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.darksky.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /forecastf/-30.6223532,160.7917774?units=ca&lang=en (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x6ee12570>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try again'))

I’m not sure but while I try and think it out, edit your post and redact the URL in the log as you’re exposing your API key…

The component works in 0.93 just fine here, although there are 2 darksky implementations, are you using weather or sensor? I am using sensor.

Thanks, I’m trying a few at the moment to make sure it isn’t that.
I am able to use the weather component just fine. The sensor side no go.

that’s odd. I’m using both weather and sensor without issues.
This is my sensor config:

- platform: darksky
  api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
    - 0
    - summary
    - icon
    - minutely_summary
    - hourly_summary
    - daily_summary
    - temperature
    - humidity
    - temperature_high
    - temperature_low
    - precip_intensity_max
    - wind_speed
    - wind_gust

and this is my weather config:

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
    mode: daily

Only thing I can think of, you’ve not formatted your code correctly, can you post a formatted version pls?

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The code hasn’t changed. Running the same code from 0.91 (when it lasted worked).


- platform: darksky
  api_key: !secret dark_sky_api
    - 0
    - pressure
    - daily_summary
    - cloud_cover
    - precip_probability
    - temperature_low
    minutes: 30

Weather Config

- platform: darksky
  api_key: !secret dark_sky_api
  mode: daily

Are you over the API limit?

Nah first thing I tried. I thought that initially so I ran two secret keys. One for the weather component and one for the sensors with no luck.

The weather part works fine too. I can see the Lovelace card updating the data. The sensors are just stubbon!

I’m just spinning up a virtual machine and I’ll use the exact same config and see if it is something local. Few other forum posts suggested it was network related… I sure hope not.

Everything else is working fine (things that fetch data) so not sure why between 0.91 and 0.92-0.93 I am having issues.

My url is api.darksky.net/forecast/ (then a whole lot of other details). Why is yours trying to connect to forecastf?

I removed the secret that I posted. Must have left an ‘f’

Does your url (log in to darksky to get it) work in a browser?

Does it work via curl from the command line on your homeassistant machine?

Browser yes.
Not sure how to curl on Hass.io

There were breaking changes in the Lovelace configuration. Add d (for days) to the end of your entities. You can now use shorter intervals.

Good advice but Discourse software never forgets! It maintains a history of all changes so the previous unredacted version (revealing the API key) is only a click away. :frowning:


I’m not having that issue.
I don’t have the darksky sensors come up in the dev-state.
They aren’t being created by HA.

So final piece of the puzzle…
Fresh Raspberry Pi setup with dark sky sensors only and it works perfectly.

Soon as I start loading up the Pi and add a few other sensors or device tracking etc they are gone…

I got cheeky and used the api key from the post you later redacted in my browser. I get “permission denied”. Perhaps you have (sensibly) changed your key.

I did mate yeah haha.
I’m slowly rebuilding the setup and the sensors are there still.
I’m trying to see what could cause them to disappear. I’m just wondering if the Pi is so busy during start that it is failing to create them. I literally have no idea but so far so good (touching nearby wooden objects)

I have the same problem. using sensor temperature_low and temperature_high are not showing up after reboot

** UPDATE **
Updated to 0.94 and everything back to normal!