Hi all
I found on github good screen with floorplan. How i can add to floorplan to Home Assistant as show on github and in which software i can do project floorplan as show on screen ? It looks very beauti…
Ok but what is software to create image floorplan with all elements…?
inkscape is a free SVG software. Works great, might take some getting used to if you don’t know the nuances.
and also has implement structure floor and other…
Yep… here’s my basement all done in inkscape.
But how add icon device (ex:light) in my precision place ? Where i define it ?
You have to create the object, and then name it. So, go find an icon in SVG format, add it to your project. Place it somewhere, name it the same name as your entity_id. Then rinse and repeat for every light/object you want to light up.
EDIT: I should clarify. That is for the non-lovelace route. Which is what @nickrout posted.
What you posted is Lovelace. That is a much easier route but you have less control. That one you just need to make an image without your entities in SVG. Then using lovelace, you format your yaml for light placement.
This would get started with lovelace.
But when i put icon svg on my project svg and then put the same entity_id as for device , i will be see change state this device on floorplan ? I see when light is ON and when is OFF ? Color Icon will be change ?
If you linked it up properly yes. But again, that is @nickrout’s way. Which works with the ‘old/current’ home assistant UI.
The loveless way, you don’t ADD the icons to the SVG, they are added via yaml.
And how i can create floorplan for first and second floor ?
I feel like I’m a broken record here. Create the floorplan in Inkscape.
EDIT: Or any software that you want to use to create a picture.
But when open left menu in HA name Floorplan how i can switch betwen first and second floor ?
What does that have to do with creating the floorplan pictures? You are all over the place.
This is what you need to do before barraging the forum with questions that have more than 1 answer.
- Decide which user interface you want to use. Current interface or Lovelace. They both have different interactions. You linked lovelace. So, if that’s what you want you should read up on lovelace.
- Before implementing anything, make your floorplan picture. This is needed for both routes.
But i must create svg separet for first floor and separate for second floor ? And how add two SVG to HA ?
Now i use standard menu(not Lovelace)
I have pointed you to the subforum for Floorplan frontend, and there you will find the documentation, as well as the appropriate place to ask questions.
I think from the screenshots I have seen, most people do one SVG for both floors, side by side (like you might see on an architect’s plan).
You are over thinking the crap out of this. Svg is an image format. How do you add other images to home assistant? Through yaml. As @nickrout said, you need to go to the link that he sent. That whole forum section has everything you need.