Floorplan.css not working/change color

i spend ours to set up my floorplan, know i have some problems to set up the opacity of my icons. First i drew my plan with Sweethome 3D and took a picture with all lights off. Then i made the same with all lights on and cut off my rooms to have “Icons” for each room with lights on.

In my next step i import the Room Icons to my floorplan svg and named the icons same as my entities.

To turn on/off my lights everthing works fine, but the states of my icons dont switch with the state of my entities.

For testing i only use this configuration at my floorplan.yaml file

>       name: Demo Floorplan
>       image: /local/custom_ui/floorplan/floorplan.svg
>       stylesheet: /local/custom_ui/floorplan/floorplan.css
>       # These options are optional
>       # warnings:                  # enable warnings (to find out why things might ot be working correctly)
>       # pan_zoom:                  # enable experimental panning / zooming
>       # hide_app_toolbar:          # hide the application toolbar (when used as a custom panel)
>       # date_format: DD-MMM-YYYY   # Date format to use in hover-over text
>       last_motion_entity: sensor.template_last_motion
>       last_motion_class: last-motion
>       groups:
>         - name: Sensors
>           entities:
>              -  sensor.dht_sensor_temperature
>           #text_template: '${entity.state ? entity.state : "unknown"}'
>           # An example of rounding up a number, i.e. a temperature of 90.1 becomes 91
>           text_template: '${entity.state ? Math.ceil(entity.state) : "undefined"}'  
>           class_template: '
>             var temp = parseFloat(entity.state.replace("°", ""));
>             if (temp < 10)
>               return "temp-low";
>             else if (temp < 30)
>               return "temp-medium";
>             else
>               return "temp-high";
>             '
>         - name: Lights
>           entities:
>              - switch.steckdose_1
>              - switch.steckdose_2
>              - switch.steckdose_3
>              - switch.steckdose_4
>              - group.living_room_lights
>           states:
>             - state: 'on'
>               class: 'light-on'
>             - state: 'off'
>               class: 'light-off'
>           action:
>             domain: homeassistant   # This optional parameter allows you to use other services such as homeassistant.toggle like here.
>             service: toggle

in my floorplan.css file i have following setup

> /* Light */
> .light-off {
>   fill: #C3B7F4 !important;
>   fill-opacity: 0 !important;
> }
> .light-on {
>   fill: #F8D2B9 !important;
>   fill-opacity: 1 !important;
> }

i really like this feature so i would be great if someone could show me the point im doing wrong.

Thank u!!!
and thank u to petar Kozul for the fantastic work!!!

After some testing everthing works fine floorplan.css is working. I can change the color of the black circle at the left side of my plan.

But im not able to change the opacity of my icons? So that the Table looks dark if light is OFF and Bright if the light is On.

I solved my problem with adding

> .light-off {
>   visibility: hidden;
> /*  stroke: #C3B7F4 !important;*/ 
> /*  fill-opacity: 0 !important;*/
> }

to my floorplan.css . visibility:hidden;