Floorplan UI with Color synced lights

Hmmm sorry, my bad, I’ve made a wrong assumption here. You won’t need card-mod for what you’re trying to achieve, but the extra-styles property of button-card. See here. Works a charm like this for me. An example for a scrolling marquee in my button-card:

        extra_styles: |
          .marquee {
            animation: marquee 20s linear infinite;
          @keyframes marquee {
            from {
              transform: translateX(0%);
            to {
              transform: translateX(-50%);

that worked for me, so much thanks! :slight_smile:

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Did you have a video of your Dashboard ? I hesitate to use your code to upgrade mine, it would be cool to have a look at it :slight_smile:

did you ever get this working well with your RGBW lights? I have the same issue :frowning: