I’m stuck in finding stuff on the SD card. I have at this moment an issue with hassio stopping recording data to the database. I found on the forum to delete the db file but I can only find this when hassio is running.
If I put the SD card in a PC I can’t find this .db file
Can anyone point me to the information how I can find everyting in the directory structure of hassio On the forum I only find information for home-assistant not using hassio.
I tried it but hassio didn’t want to startup after that and in the log were a lot off error’s. I stopped hassio again and replaced the old db file back and then hassio started correctly again but still with the issues that it no longer recorded history.
I solved my issue by creating a new SD card and copy all the config files but I would like to get more insight in the folder structure because I strougled wih this but also when I find interesting topics that are for homeassistant but not hassio. They replace or place extra files like key-files, .pem files … but I can’t find that structure.
It would be nice if this was documented somewhere or maybe it is bu I can’ find it.
HASSIO runs on Resin-OS. They have documentation available on their website for directory structure. HASSIO is nothing more than a customized home assistant docker container running on Resin-OS.
Your Samba add-on should run regardless of your home assistant container, and the files that are in there are all you need to worry about.
If you’re browsing the sdcard directly on a Windows computer, I doubt it can see the partition that resinos runs on.