Footer in sensor card not working '404 not found'


I have setup 4 sensors but the graph in the footer wont load and got these errors in the browser console, in the home assistant log i found no errors.

Browser error in consol:

body: "404: Not Found"
error: "Response error: 404"
status_code: 404
__proto__: Object

yaml config

  - icon: 'mdi:settings'
    title: Settings
    path: settings
      - user: fcb7a91be5b940d38066247441526b42
      - user: df43516bb45d4a508003d6bb3557a5d5
    badges: []
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.home_assistant_online
        name: Home Assistant Online
        unit: uur
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.adguard_dns_queries_blocked_ratio
        graph: line
        detail: 2

      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.wasmachine
        graph: line
        detail: 2
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.droger
        graph: line
        detail: 2
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.vaatwasser
        graph: line
        detail: 2

Anybody knows whats going wrong?

So nobody has this same issue? The graph footer in the sensor card also does not work in the android app

Reply to myself. :slight_smile: I was missing history: in my configuration.