For those that have a Tesla Car & HA integration or similar

I also launched a REST API integration for Voltayze ( This runs on the Tesla Fleet official telemetry service. Besides all the reporting you are getting (similar to Teslamate but with more features) , now you can use the RestAPI to pull the data in Homeassistant (using the REST integration). Commands will be supported next.
I would appreciate if I can get some feedback: REST API Integration - Voltayze, Electric Data, Smart Analytics


I’ve produced an automation to open my electric gate that differentiates my leaving and arriving. I found the car has some idiosyncrasies that made a simple approach not work. I’ve documented it here in my substack.

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Left a comment but thought I would add my method, it works for any car.

The Tesla broadcasts an iBeacon all the time. I use an esp32 in the garage to see if the car is located there. Connected to the same esp32 I have a sonar, this used the distance to tell if the car is in the spot. Between these 2 sensors I have the garage door opening and closing quite well. I also put an iBeacon in my old truck and get all the same advantages.


Thanks for the comment. I’ve replied. I’ve actually been looking at the BLE option for a while as it happens.

For Bluetooth tracking I use Bermuda.

I use GitHub - yoziru/esphome-tesla-ble: Interact with Tesla vehicles over BLE using ESPHome and Home Assistant in an ESPHome device which generally works fine. Are there any dis/advantages to Bermuda?


Not sure, Bermuda is just what I ended up with for location tracking. If the Tesla Bluetooth integration updates location when your within range of the Bluetooth extender and you are able to tell that it is connected to the extender at the gate it should work.
Of the solutions I have tried I like this way the best, the garage opens about when I hit the bottom of the driveway and closes when I am about fifty feet away.
I can move my car into the driveway and the garage doesn’t close on me.

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Great thread!
I have a question about the Tesla API key pairing, can I use Bluetooth (BLE) instead of the standard cloud based method?
The reason I ask is that my HAOS is installed on a Raspberry Pi which has built-in Bluetooth. I was hoping I could just relocate it to the garage where the Tesla lives. This would keep all the OAuth handshaking local which seems like a simpler solution…

I use this custom integration: GitHub - alandtse/tesla: Tesla custom integration for Home Assistant. This requires a refresh token be generated by third-party apps to login.

I have a microswitch in my charge cable holder, connected to HA through MQTT, sending a message with the Tesla integration to open the charge door when I pull the plug out of the holder, ready to plug in. And a button on the holder that I can push to unlock the charging cable.

I also have set up integration with Google calendar so that charge levels are set, and car is heated up at the correct times, plus that I get a notification if I forgot to plug the car in the evening before the car is to be used. And lowering the charge level.