Hi to all,
I’m using Influxdb + Grafana. I’m tracking also % batteries of my temperature nodes.
I have in Influxdb a CQ that downsamples data to 1h.
But, (un)fortunately, 'cause batteries discharge very slow, HASS transmits (correctly) every 7/10 days, or btw when I restart for some reason HASS itself.
'Cause data arrive at Influxdb after downsampling interval, it never samples down (or only after a restart). I could do a RESAMPLE of the query, but I would to know if there is a mode to force HASS itself to transmit data (e.g. at 00:00:00 and 00:20:00).
In this case my data would be filled correctly (gap are filled with relative clause of CQ).
Thank you