Force newlines or linebreaks in a template?

Like few others here, I was also annoyed by my logbook card not allowing to show some of my nicely-formatted parameter listings on one line (found this thread already a year ago with no good solutions then)…
But I just came up with another kludge/workaround that fits my purposes:
One can also use non-breaking spaces ('\u00A0') to try to force a linebreak…

So I replaced the spaces with non-breaking ones in the line of interest, like
this is a line I don't care about -- but: second, line: has, some: attributes, I: care about

this is a line I don't care about -- 
{{'but: second, line: has, some: attributes, I: care about'|replace(' ','\u00A0')}}

and voilà, got the second line to start in newline!
Of course, works properly only with specific logbook widths, but works for me…