I’ve gotten SSL up and running on my Hass.io, and am forwarding port 443 to port 8123 in my router. My Hass.io installation is running on port 8123. This way I can access the server using https://hass.[domain].[tld]/
, without having to specify port number.
But I want to see if I can get it to forward http requests to https automatically (i.e. changing http://hass.[domain].[tld]/
URL requests automatically to https://hass.[domain].[tld]/
). I believe it should be possible to do this using NGINX (https://bjornjohansen.no/redirect-to-https-with-nginx). But the Let’s Encrypt addon needed port 80 to get the certificates installed If I now route port 80 to NGINX, what will happen when the Let’s Encrypt addon needs to refresh the certificates? Does it still need port 80 to be routed through directly, or is it “done” with using it now that the domains have been challenged and validated?