I setup a new Foscam today and added it using the WebRTC HACS I already setup for another Foscam I have.
It works fine on my PCs webpage streaming live but in the iOS app I get a static picture and it says ‘error’ in the bottom left.
I noticed in the top right the working camera says RTC and the non working says MSE.
Any ideas?
I was fiddling with the main stream video encoder settings in the app as it’s new, upping the quality etc and now it seems to work…
One thing it is doing though is cutting the bottom of the picture off on the phone.
Again the PC webpage it looks fine but on the iPhone app it cuts the bottom off.
The original camera looks 16:9, the new one looks 4:3 and in the PC app these look like the native resolution, on the phone app it seems to want to make them both 16:9 or at least match the phone screen but I lose a chunk of the picture off the bottom.