There is a Steinel Multisensor Air KNX (056346) that has multiple parameters, such as temperature and humidity. Sometimes, certain parameters, like the light level, freeze and stop updating, while other parameters continue to update and display actual data. The issue is always resolved by turning the sensor’s power off and back on, after which it starts updating all its parameters again. It can work normally for a week or even a month before something freezes again.
Is there a way to reboot it through Home Assistant or any other possible solutions? When I turn off the power, it shuts down all KNX devices, which is undesirable, and manually disconnecting the wires from the sensor is very inconvenient.
Xknx supports that, but this function is currently not exposed to HA. Maybe you can leverage AppDaemon or pyscript to call it directly.
See KNX participant reset - #8 by farmio
I haven’t dealt with python yet, but can this restart be done in some other way, for example from ETS or something simpler, just to check if it helps at all or not?
And is this restart planned to be integrated into HA?
Yes, I think so. Have a look at the Diagnostic Panel.
KNX Device management isn’t used in HA anywhere. Currently there are no plans to add that, that I would know of. But it’s open source, so you never know if someone does a contribution
Anyway, I’d strongly recommend to contact the device manufacturer. You essentially bought a broken device… - and since it’s KNX, I guess not for cheap - they should be able to fix that. Either by a firmware update or by replacing it.