I just installed version 2022.10.5 on a raspi 4 (64) and try to get some add-ons, but the Add-on Store is empty.
I had a look into the log file, and it is empty. A restart of the system did not help. I can see on my router that the device downloaded 957 MB from GitHub, so access to the internet is established but the store stays empty.
I am running
Home Assistant 2022.10.5
Supervisor 2022.10.0
Operating system 9.3
Frontend 20221010.0 - latest
Alright, never mind, after another restart of HA the Community Add-ons show. I wonder why it takes several attempts for the system to get through to the Add-on Store. Is there some timeout on the store or something?
GitHub has a limit on the requests that can be made per time unit, which the store might hit, so it have to wait for the limit to be lifted and then continue.