I have been struggling with this for some time and I think I am making this to complicated
I have added many groups in order to get them organized, but how do I get the Friendly names to work with this?
Do I really have to go and use customize? or is there a easy way to use friendly names?
Example: Names are generated from the IOS app names using IOS discovery and HASSIO
This works bye the way but isnt really “pretty”
I didn’t want to ask this question but any effort to resolve it by myself have generated multiple issues…
It depends on the component. Many components allow you to name in the setup. Discovered devices can also be renamed after discovery by changing the name attribute. Just make sure you don’t touch the MAC address.
EDIT: your last resort is the customize section. Personally I like the customize section because it keeps your UI names in one spot.
I really would like to keep it simple but also doing it the same for all?
I finally got the multiple trackers to work together so I really don’t want to change the known_devices files
Anyway to just input some friendly names above the “ugly” ones and have them displayed in the group?
How would I go about this in the customize section?