Frigate.comms.dispatcher turns off recording and snapshots


whenever I try to set the recordings and snapshots settings like this

it will work for some time and suddenly frigate deactivates recordings / snapshots again or toggles some of them. I can not find a pattern or a reason for it. Does anyone know how to avoid that?

Here is an example from the logs where frigate deactivates recordings in the middle of the night:

2023-05-09 02:03:30.878231014  [2023-05-09 04:03:30]                    INFO    : Capture process started for cam4Wohnung: 402
2023-05-09 02:03:31.765611600  [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher       INFO    : Turning off recordings for cam1Haustuere
2023-05-09 02:03:31.790245441  [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher       INFO    : Turning on snapshots for cam1Haustuere
2023-05-09 02:03:31.790257191  [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher       INFO    : Turning off recordings for cam2Veranda
2023-05-09 02:03:31.819972198  [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher       INFO    : Turning on snapshots for cam2Veranda
2023-05-09 02:03:31.932545928  [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher       INFO    : Turning off recordings for cam3Garden
2023-05-09 02:03:31.941301327  [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher       INFO    : Turning on snapshots for cam3Garden
2023-05-09 02:03:33.405457004  [2023-05-09 04:03:33] frigate.detectors.plugins.edgetpu_tfl INFO    : TPU found

this is usually due to an automation or some other service using the switches in home assistant. Or when you startup it is due to a retained value in MQTT. You can use the mqtt explorer to remove retained values and watch to see where the messages are coming from.

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Hey crzynik, thank you for the tipp. There is definetly no automation running that sets those values.
I removed the retain flag with the mqtt explorer, it helped, it doesn´t switch off any more.
Issue is, that now when I disable manually it will enable it after a while…

Is there a way to not use retain flags at all in those settings?

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The retain flags are not used. If you restart frigate the state you set with the switch will not be kept, this is the new expected behavior for now

Ok, that is a very strange behavior I would say … Or I don´t understand it …

Thank you, at least the switches stay enabled now :wink:

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