whenever I try to set the recordings and snapshots settings like this
it will work for some time and suddenly frigate deactivates recordings / snapshots again or toggles some of them. I can not find a pattern or a reason for it. Does anyone know how to avoid that?
Here is an example from the logs where frigate deactivates recordings in the middle of the night:
2023-05-09 02:03:30.878231014 [2023-05-09 04:03:30] frigate.app INFO : Capture process started for cam4Wohnung: 402
2023-05-09 02:03:31.765611600 [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher INFO : Turning off recordings for cam1Haustuere
2023-05-09 02:03:31.790245441 [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher INFO : Turning on snapshots for cam1Haustuere
2023-05-09 02:03:31.790257191 [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher INFO : Turning off recordings for cam2Veranda
2023-05-09 02:03:31.819972198 [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher INFO : Turning on snapshots for cam2Veranda
2023-05-09 02:03:31.932545928 [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher INFO : Turning off recordings for cam3Garden
2023-05-09 02:03:31.941301327 [2023-05-09 04:03:31] frigate.comms.dispatcher INFO : Turning on snapshots for cam3Garden
2023-05-09 02:03:33.405457004 [2023-05-09 04:03:33] frigate.detectors.plugins.edgetpu_tfl INFO : TPU found