Frigate HACS integration not connecting (while Add-On works)

I am running HomeAssistnat on a VirtualBox.
When attempting to add Frigate through HACS I am unable to connect the integration to http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000 (getting the famed, red “failed to connect” error).
All ports are open on the hosting machine and no firewalls are blocking the desired ports.
I tried connecting to http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000 manually and nothing responded.

If I attempt to install Frigate using Add-Ons things work well. Though I then don’t have the front end integration that allows me to use the sensors and triggers.

Only thing I can think of is that the HACS install is not running the Frigate container. So the HA integration has nothing to connect to.

I tried installing the HACS Frigate AFTER installing the working Add-On and then the integration did work and connected to http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000.
Though that seems like a mess waiting to happen.

I am using the same frigate.yaml file for all experiments.

Any ideas?

It seems you are confused. The frigate integration from HACS only connects to an existing frigate instance, it does not run frigate itself

this is exactly how it is supposed to work…

That confusion is good news. It makes things make much more sense.
Thanks for the clarification @crzynik !

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