Ahh thanks @kevicron
Not using the long one myself so appreciate it.
I’ll update the blueprints shortly. My PC has been booting for 1.5hours so far. First boot after a windows update is killing me lately.
Ahh thanks @kevicron
Not using the long one myself so appreciate it.
I’ll update the blueprints shortly. My PC has been booting for 1.5hours so far. First boot after a windows update is killing me lately.
No worries. I’m not a coder so there are probably better/cleaner ways to achieve the same result, but as I said, it’s working so far!
I actually was using a custom message before frigate 12 then I switched it to the long one and the problems started… hmm. Thanks, I will wait for @SgtBatten’s update so I don’t break it even more haha
Btw are you getting thumbnails on your IOS devices? For some reason mine aren’t, so wondering if this is a fix also for that too.
I forgot to look at the log at time but it is the same error I shared on the github issue recently and this was the HA logs when I first saw it:
I haven’t had any issues with either thumbnails or snapshots. They’ve always worked fine for me.
I’ve updated the beta with your change. Thanks. I’ll look at a proper release of stable asap with more of the beta features that have been in testing for a while.
So I just hit the 500 message Android limit again from this blueprint. Is my only real option to turn off the update image?
No the answer is probably setting up websockets for the app. I’m at 500/500 remaining and have about 8 automations going constantly testing.
ahh no worries, any way you can show the version number next to the import button, just makes it easier to know if you need to update etc.
Congrats on the new incoming baby… hope all goes well and smoothly!
hmmm. If I’m doing something wrong, any idea what it could be?
Not automatically but I can try to update the opening post in this thread. Is that where you want it? Or GitHub?
Only to triple check that link and ensure you are using websockets
whichever is more convenient for you… or maybe both
Some other apps i’ve seen show ver# and released date and changelog so can compare it to the version that we are running. I like the change log cause sometimes features released are missed.
Stable ver x.x (Rel 10 June 2023)
Beta ver x.xa (Rel 21st June 2023)
No, I mean that you suggested you have a ton of alerts and testing and are no where near 500 messages. Without using websockets, could I be doing something wrong? I do seem to sometimes get like 3+ messages seconds apart for what seems to be the same alert.
Hey, thanks for the blueprint. I have problem opening the View stream/snapshot. I can see clip if I open the link soon enough but not snapshot or stream. It is black screen only - I put the bare url of the nabu casa in the blueprint.
Here is the solution I came up with:
Create a binary sensory group from the UI that included the open/close sensors on all of my exterior doors.
Add a line to config.yaml:
template: !include templates.yaml
Create templates.yaml and add:
- binary_sensor:
- name: Outside Doors Opened Recently
state: >
{# This is a binary sensor that determines if an outside door was opened in the last 5 minutes #}
{{ (((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.outside_doors_sensor.last_changed))) | round(0) //60 <5) }}
Working well so far. Hope this helps someone else!!
Sorry if it has been mentioned somewhere I have missed. I am new to this blueprint.
Where can I find all the available variables usable on the message/title/subject/subtitle, etc?
I am looking for zone in particular now. but {{ zone }} is null.
I plan to document everything eventually. Your best bet is simply searching the blueprint code on GitHub for all the variables that get set.
But the zones are available as an array name {{entered_zones}}
I only am nowhere near 500 because I’m using websockets which don’t count against the cap.
That’s normal. The blueprint can send an update every time frigate sends an mqtt message really.
Is it opening in a browser or in the HA app.
If browser, copy the url it gives you here (just obfuscate your baseurl for privacy)