FRITZ!Box Net Monitor with wrong values?

Hi all,
i’m working on a System Monitor view at the moment. Therefore I would like to inlcude the FritzBox data I get from FRITZ!Box Net Monitor. After checking the values i receive i’m wondering… I can’t believe following values (second values in brackets are the calculations I did):

bytes_sent: 1154705066 byte (= 1,15 GByte)
bytes_received: 3436774949 byte (= 3,44 GByte)
transmission_rate_up: 2775 byte/s (= 22,2 Mbit/s)
transmission_rate_down: 48487 byte/s (= 387,9 Mbit/s)
max_byte_rate_up: 129000 byte/s (= 1032,0 Mbit/s)
max_byte_rate_down: 1723125 byte/s (= 13785 Mbit/s)

The bytes sent and receive are much to small. The speeds are much to high.
The values also does not fit to the values i see in the Fritzbox menu…

Where is my error, do you made same observations?

Ok, sorry I made a mistake during my calculation:

This is correct now and sounds plausible:
transmission_rate_up: 2775 byte/s (= 0,022 Mbit/s)
transmission_rate_down: 48487 byte/s (= 0,388 Mbit/s)
max_byte_rate_up: 129000 byte/s (= 1,032 Mbit/s)
max_byte_rate_down: 1723125 byte/s (= 13,785 Mbit/s)

But still I have no clue how the bytes_sent and bytes_received values are calculated.
Any one an idea?

Like this?
I think this is going to be the data between the FB and the device running HA though… My data is way more than showing if it was for my connection.