Froggit Weather Station over NodeRed, Gruenbeck Softliq SD21 integration, Spotify web player integrated

Hello I want to share some screenshots from my Home-Assistant Configuration.
I do all my smarthome things with shelly’s. Most of custom integrations I also use mqtt and node red.

On this weekend i got a froggit weatherstation with a good price and created a flow in node red to provide the sensor data. And I integrated the full web player from spotify as a panel.

No I want to share with you this animated gif. If someone is interessted in a tutorial I will write one or giving hints to implement.


Really nice, could you give me more informations about the code and integrations. I also like the Waste Information.

I would be also very interested to hear about the froggit weatherstation integration: Is it possible to do it without Node Red?

Very cool, looks great.
I have a “Grünbeck SoftliQSC18” and I am highly interested to integrate it into HA. Can you give me some support?

Hello how do you intergradet softliq sd21 ? It does not have any Integration methods for homeassistant.

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Hi Sebastian, I would also be interested how you integrated your Grünbeck SD21, can you share this please.

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Hello, i would also be interessted to integrate my SC18.

How did you integrate the Spotify web player?

Hi Sebastian,
I’m also very interested in your way to integrate your Softliq SD21. I assume you did it also via MQTT?
Would you share your code?