Frontend components basic html changes problems [SOLVED]

I am working hass 0.21.0.
I am trying to playing around with some very basic html changes (like modify some sidebar labels or add an image in the ‘Home Assistant’ title area).
I already downloaded the forntend code with


So here is what I did:

  1. Configured configuration.yaml with

         development: 1
  2. Started the js_dev script:

    cd [HASS_INST_DIR]/homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer && npm run js_dev

  3. Modified the involved polymer html file

  4. Launched hass with ui

    hass --open-ui

I expected to see my changes at this point.

The problem is that

  1. The ui displayed the following Error

    "Home Assistant had trouble connecting to the server. TRY AGAIN"

  2. Looking at the google inspector, it reported two 404 errors:

     404 ->
     404 ->

The file


exists on the filesystem.

The file


does not exist on the filesystem.


What may the problem would be?
Am I missing something in the frontend development pipeline process?
Why is not at least home-assistant.html loaded, considered it is present on the filesystem?
And why the is the page requesting _core_compiled.js, which is not present at all on the filesystem?

Thank you,


Ok I solved it, my fault:P
The problem was that I installed the hass distributed production application (pip3 install homeassistant) into the same python virtualenv where I had already installed my hass development environment (via git pull etc…).
This caused the hass command to be ovverriden and to point to the newly installed production application.
And since the production application of course does not contain the polymer frontend repository to which home assistant refers when working in http: development: 1 configuration scenario, the frontend web app could not find the polymer related source files.

Hi padovani, I am struggling to install and run the development environment, will you please help me and share the steps what you have done for success… thanks in advance… [email protected]

sorry I did not read the forum for some time; I’ve jsut read your post.
I suppose you solved:P, but if you still need any help, I will be glad to help :slight_smile: