Full SD card after v 0.43.2

The last thing I did last night was installing the latest update 0.43.2 and I was using under 40% of my 16gb SD card. When I woke up this morning the SD card was full and the home assistant folder are 15,64GB, but I can’t find what it is that takes so much space when i am browsering the folder.

Any idea what to do?

You could try:

du -h

in your home assistant directory to see what is taking up all the space.

Probably some log file that are filling up your disk

Try to run du ./ -h --max-depth=1 in your home assistant folder

I have managed to find out that i have tre files in the /var/log directory that together take up 12,2 GB


What is that, what can I do with them?

I am grateful for all the help, I am a beginner on Linux!

In the largest file, deamon.log (7,2 gb) it´s hard to read out what have gone wrong, the only entry I have that repeat it self many many times is

Apr 29 15:57:27 hassbian hass[703]: #033[32m17-04-29 15:57:27 INFO (Thread-9) [root] Sending control command: KEY#033[0m
Apr 29 15:57:27 hassbian hass[703]: #033[32m17-04-29 15:57:27 INFO (Thread-6) [root] Sending control command: KEY#033[0m
Apr 29 15:57:27 hassbian hass[703]: #033[32m17-04-29 15:57:27 INFO (Thread-11) [root] Sending control command: KEY#033[0m
Apr 29 15:57:28 hassbian hass[703]: #033[32m17-04-29 15:57:28 INFO (Thread-1) [root] Sending control command: KEY#033[0m
Apr 29 15:57:28 hassbian hass[703]: #033[32m17-04-29 15:57:28 INFO (Thread-4) [root] Sending control command: KEY#033[0m
Apr 29 15:57:28 hassbian hass[703]: #033[32m17-04-29 15:57:28 INFO (Thread-3) [root] Sending control command: KEY#033[0m

Any clue what
that the is?

This looks like the Samsung TV module. Disable discovery and if you have the samsung tv component enabled - disable that as well, restart hass and see what happens. You can safely delete both files. They will be recreated when needed.

Needless to say this wears out your SD card, so it might be wise to set up /var/log to be in tmpfs, you can find instructions how to do that here:

Yes I had the Samsung TV modul but I never used it. I have now disabled then both as you recommended. The files are deleted and the rPi are restarted. I will get back with the result in a while :smile:

I will take a look at the guide for the SD card, thanks @kirichkov

Add below line /etc/fstab

tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,mode=0755,size=100m 0 0

proc            /proc           proc    defaults          0       0
tmpfs           /var/log        tmpfs   defaults,noatime,nosuid,mode=0755,size=100m          0       0
/dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot           vfat    defaults          0       2
/dev/mmcblk0p2  /               ext4    defaults,noatime  0       1

Will write the log files to tmpfs with max size of 100Mb RAM used.