Fully customizable weather card

Anyone know of a custom card (like: https://github.com/bramkragten/weather-card) but that allows to set every detail on it as optional? i.e. wind speed/humidity/pressure/etc

Look at tha BOM weather card in HACS. It will work with any weather source (the seperate custom component is only needed if using BOM)

Thanks I assume this is the one https://github.com/DavidFW1960/bom-weather-card :slight_smile:
Getting a strange error when I try to add the icons folder to www however.

Any idea why

The Samba addon by default blocks the icons folder so you need to remove that from the samba config.

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Yes that was it, copied ok now, thanks.
Installed the card from HACS however I cannot seem to find it when adding a new card.
I still have the other custom weather card, do I need to remove it first?

You will need to manually add the config as a manual card. See the lovelace.yaml for the example and modify the entities parsed by the card with your entity names.

Something like: https://github.com/DavidFW1960/bom-weather-card/blob/ee64b810a8a4781513277d31c516d90f0212ab12/lovelace.yaml?
Does it need all of the settings there?

Check the docs there (the readme) Check the required conditions) Many of them are optional.

Had a look but this is no click-and-install type of card, what else is required?
Can’t I just give it weather.home entity and then configure what I want displayed on the card? Not sure what all of the BOM stuff is