Fully kiosk (background refresh with screen off)

Hello All,

I have a question about Fully Kiosk browser. I’m using a (android) tablet on the wall and want to refresh the home assistant page on the background without turning the screen on. Because when we now push on the screen the page needs to be refresh and that takes some time and is really frustrating :slight_smile:

I tried almost everything and now i am stuck.

What i tried:

  • Browser mod refresh (screen turns on)
  • Refresh on in fully kiosk
  • Automatically close connection in home assistant (Turned off)

Does anyone has an idea what to do? We don’t want to use the camera for motion detection.

Many many many thanks for answering,

Regards and cheers,

Anyone? Will be appreciated.

Hi Thomas,

I’m afraid I don’t have your answer but I’ve been experiencing some odd behaviour with Fully Kiosk and wanted to know if your symptoms are the same. When I approach the screen the browser loads the top menu but does not load any of the pages with buttons on. I have to swipe from the left to open Fully’s menu and press on Go to Homepage to refresh and get back to normal. It’s intermittent, does not do this every time. Is that what you’re experiencing?
I’m also using Browser Mod so could be a problem with that?


I only have this problem when Motion Detection is turned ON (Via front cam) in the fully kiosk browser app on my android tablet.

I noticed that my screen randomly turns on when no motion is detected.
Is this a Browser Mod issue? How did you come to this conclusion?

I had the same problem, its becaus the tablet shut down the wifi or closes some app’s by trying to save power while running in the background. I solved this by going to my tablet settings > battery > fully kiosk >
Here you got 3 options. Limited - Optimized - Limitless change option to Limitless. Do the same for the specific app you want to reload in background (Home assistant etc)

This option is activated and FK “Limitless”. FK take few seconds to display FK and refresh page…
Is ther anoter tips for this ?

Same behavior/issue in my Samsung A9 tablet with Fully kiosk browser as Alarmo keypad to arm disarm.
Frustrating when you arrive in front of the tablet to enter the alarm code and it takes several seconds to refresh the screen, sometimes longer than my enter delay time.
Any workaround?
Thanks in advance