Fully Kiosk Browser (wall tablet) not opening other Dashboards?

Hi there,

I have Fully Kiosk Broser on my all tablet opening the start URL (main dashboard) fine.
On that dashboard, I have a button calling another dashboard … but where it is working on a computer, it is NOT working on my wall tablet running Fully Kiosk Browser.

Is that working for YOU guys and do you have any idea on how to achieve this ?
from my main dashboard, the burrow code is the following :

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: entity
    entity: device_tracker.225e_xdrive
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: http://xxx:8123/lenovo-m10-plus-test-1/
    content_info: name
    icon: mdi:map-marker-radius
    use_entity_picture: false
    name: Localisation
  grid-area: foot1
  style: |
    ha-card {
      background: transparent;

I thhink the Fully kiosk browser is blocking the opening of the other URL, but I have not clue what to change to have it working ;-(

Many Thanks for your help !!

I found the way by activating the “Enable popups”, thes it allows to navigate from dashboards to dashboards, but the side effect is that Browser-Mod Browser ID keep on changing every time so that my other automations are not working anymore


any idea please ?

Not sure if that resolves your problem as i am not home to test it but:
You do not have to provide the full URL for the navigation_path, just the name of the DB is enought. so in your case:

navigation_path: /lenovo-m10-plus-test-1

Maybe the http part in front results in the opening of a new Tab?

Thanks a lot, I did it this way :

                      action: navigate
                      navigation_path: /lenovo-m10-plus-localisation

Many thanks !!