Fully Kiosk - Can I prevent URL page randomly loading on my Tablet?

I’ve installed FKB on my Samsung tablet to wake the tablet when movement is detected.

It almost works great.

Motion wakes the tablet showing HA as the foreground app and then the tablet’s Display settings turn it off after 30secs, however, occasionally on waking it jumps to the FK url page.

I can reproduce the problem by letting the tablet go to sleep while I stand in front of it. As soon as the display turns off I make some movement. The tablet wakes up as expected displaying the HA app, but then immediately jumps to the FK url page.

If the screen’s been off for a bit the tablet will wake and it will remain on the HA app.

Is there a setting to keep FK in the background and prevent it from loading the URL page ?

Maybe the easiest solution is to set my Nabu Casa page as the Kiosk URL and just let it display that rather than the HA app.