gactions update error

I am getting below error, when i try to update using gactions update

gactions update --action_package action.json --project my-project-status-app

ERROR: Failed to update the app for the Assistant
ERROR: Requested entity was not found.
2018/04/12 11:20:53 Server did not return HTTP 200

The component docs no longer say to run gactions. Have you tried following the current instructions?

i am new this google home project. just i am following the below url for configuring

Please don’t follow external documentation that’s a year out of date. If you want to do that, use the comments option in that article for help with their instructions.

Instead, if you’re trying to set up the Google Assistant component, follow the HA documentation.

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Thanks for your immediate response Please give HA documentation url


Please look at my first reply

i am not have any knowledge in developing project using Google home. Did you have any guide for developing project from scratch till adding project in gActions. What are the file are important

i am going to use “Actions SDK” in this project

If you’re looking for generic help then this is not the right forum. This forum is for getting help with Home Assistant and it’s components.

please give any forum name for raising ticket?

I’m guessing then that you’re looking for generic help with Google Actions?

yes, i need help for my issue from google actions

Then, I’d suggest Google searches, or maybe the comments field of the article you posted?

ok , thanks