I have created an ESP8266 based garage door controller. It publishes results to HA (via MQTT broker) and Blynk and the garage door can be controlled via HA (via MQTT broker) and Blynk app.
It uses two ultrasonic sensors to detect the garage door and the presence of a car in the garage, and a relay to open/close the garage door. A DHT sensor can also be added to provide temperature/humidity readings. Inspired by OpenGarage I have also added support for the Blynk app.
The code, full instructions, pictures, wiring diagram, and HA YAML configuration can be found in the repo here.
It is based on DotNetDann’s GarageDoorSensor and Marthoc’s GarHAge projects, as well as ideas from the OpenGarage project.
DotNetDann’s project and OpenGarage did not suit my needs. I had a roller garage door and I wished to be able to detect the presence of my car whether the garage door was open or closed without using a reed switch. Since DotNetDann’s project supported up to three ultrasonic sensors, I decided to modify his work to use one ultrasonic for the door status, and a second one for the car status. Hence my project was born.
Maybe someone will find it useful.
Thanks goes to DotNetDann and Marthoc for their ideas, code examples, and documentation which inspired me to create my own garage door opener.