Gas in energy dashboard should show more decimal precision

Hi all,

I’m using the gas dashboard to show the consumption of heating oil. Because of this the consume in m³ is very little.
Some time ago the Y-Axis and the mouse over show something like 0,003 m³.
But since some versions it only show complete m³.
Is there a way to change this?
By the way, would be nice to change it to liter or even more, change gas to heating oil :wink:
But for now I’m fine with more decimal precision.

Find the entity in your dashboard or Settings → Devices & Services → Entities, click on it. Click on the cog icon in the pop-up card. What is the display precision option set to?

I think it is set correctly to more precision. The entity itself shows it correctly.

That looks like bug to me.

You can report it here:

I found this bug on Github, but it looks like that nobody took care of this.
Gas Y axis labels in energy dashboard have limited decimal places · Issue #19309 · home-assistant/frontend

Yeah, you’ll have to open a new one.