GE Zwave wall switch - how to integrate

I have been trying for an hour now and cannot get the switch to work for the life of me. I am trying to make the switch a light with ‘light switch’ - because it is zwave it is saying it is not in the valid domain. How do I get this switch configured and into lovelace ui?



  - platform: switch
    name: Lamp
    entity_id: zwave.living_room_lamp


 - type: light
     entity: light.lamp
     name: Living Room Lamp

config test output

    - Invalid config for [light.switch]: Entity ID 'zwave.living_room_lamp' does not belong to domain 'switch' for dictionary value @ data['entity_id']. Got 'zwave.living_room_lamp'. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

any advice on how to get this working?

Wrong entity id. Should be something like switch.living_room_lamp, or whatever you named it. Notice the domain is switch, not zwave.

This is how my entities are coming in from the aeon stick.

I tried to change the domain from zwave to switch but it won’t let me at entity level. If I change the ID in config, that doesn’t feel right to me. Thoughts?

Again, you need to look for switch, not zwave. Look in the States page, the Devices page, or the Z-Wave integration, etc., there is a switch somewhere.

and you would be right. There were other entities that show switch. and not zwave. Thank you for your help. Seems to be working nicely.


The zwave entities are typically only used for configuration and events. Most functionality will be provided by the associated switch, light, binary_sensor, sensor, etc. entities.

got it. Thank you for the help. I do have an additional question about the switch. If I use the switch, the card does not change state to reflect the switch current state. Assuming there has to be an easy fix for this?

Not sure, you might need to provide more info. I have a light switch entity (A GE Z-Wave switch) configured in the same way, and the display in the entities card updates fine.

Interesting. Same switch.

Works fine when turned on / off from the dashboard (active state shows accordingly).

If I turn on from the dashboard and then off on the wall switch. It doesn’t recognize the light is off on the dashboard.

I have an Aeotec microswitch G2 that I had to set the “Notification Status” config option on the node to “hail” for the same reason. Every time I switched the switch manually it wouldn’t send the signal to the controller so HA wouldn’t reflect the new state. I don’t know if that’s something you need to do with your switch too.