General advice on power downs and power cuts

New HA user here. For context, I’m using HAOS on a Raspberry Pi. I’ve set up a MariaDB database on another local (Pi) server which stores the history values which ostensibly is all working fine.

We had a power down yesterday due to an electrician visit. On booting back up an hour later a few things are not connecting any more.

These include the Hive heating system and my LG washing machine.

Now I don’t really want to get into detailed technical questions or advice on either of these devices, but I WOULD like to know what the best practice is to a) avoid stuff disconnecting when there are power issues and b) restoring those items after?

Would a backup / restore have solved the issue?

Are there other preventative measures I could set up for next time?

Needless to say I’d also like continuity in the device history too.

Still haven’t worked out the specific Hive/LG issue but I’ll create a separate thread for that as I don’t want to muddy the water here.

The best options are either shutdown before you get an electrician visiting and / or using an UPS for the non-scheduled outages.

A restore from a backup will fix the issue, but you will lose data from the time of the backup was done until the restore is done.

If you have a corrupt database due to the outage your electrician did you will see it in the logs.

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A small UPS for your HA server, network equipment and db server will give you time to perform a controlled shutdown for prolonged outages and protect you from short ones. You can even automate this if your UPS is supported by the NUT integration.


A quick note here.
Even without nut support it can be automated in several easy ways


Thank you all, good advice. I was hoping to avoid spending more on kit as it was meant to be a bit of fun project using spare Raspberry Pis more than anything. But I’ll think about the UPS option if that’s the best thing. It’s not like we get regular power issues at all, I mostly just want to be able to not break (ideally) and certainly recover the system with ease when things go wrong. A UPS would be no use if my daughter decided to pull the power out of the Pi!

But a good backup would be of use. Disaster Recovery Planning.

That looks like just the thread I need, thank you

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