General advice using Aeotec 7 stick

I have installed one of these in a NUC also upgraded to latest stick firmware. I have z-wave JS add on. All devices found switches work fine, some plugs won’t get found, motion detectors (Inc Fibaro) although connected seldom report.
I’m pretty new to this, used zwave on smartthings previously with no problems so confused as performance is so poor.

Have you tried doing a ‘re-interview’ on devices that may not be performing the way you want? I have a Gen 5 stick with Z-Wave JS and it’s really good. I would have thought the experience with the Gen 7 stick would be better.

From within the Z-Wave JS config menu you can also look at / adjust device specific settings such as reporting intervals etc. It’s worth hunting through there and updating settings to suit.

Thanks yep tried all that and yes I’d have expected a better experience and therefore assumed I was missing something obvious. Thanks again.

Make sure your stick is on an extension cord. See here for other tips: and

Thanks the usb extension could well be worth a try. Thanks. I’ll report back.