Generic Thermostat - Allow non-static values in config

In the configuration for the generic_thermostat, as far as I understand ,you are only allowed to enter static values for the parameters “target_temp”,“cold_tolerance” and “hot_tolerance”.

I want to be able to variables for these parameters in the config, such as state/values from sensors and input_numbers. Today, when I enter expressions like these as float values I always get errors in the validation. Maybe I’m doing something wrong in this case, but I got the feeling that the current config won’t accept variable values?

Variable values would allow me to use the generic_thermostat functionality more flexible for temperature controls, as well as for similar purposes, such as controlling switches for dehumidifiers (where static values cannot be used) and so on.

It would save me a lot of extra code, time and entities to avoid re-do these setups in yaml.

Thanks in advance.

I also have a need to add templating to the attributes “min_cycle_duration”.
I need to let the user change this value in the runtime.