Generic thermostat and scheduler automation

Any idea what else, if anything, I need to do in order to get this to work?

alias: Heating schedule
description: Using generic thermostat and schedule
  - platform: state
      - schedule.thermostat
    to: "On"
condition: []
  - action: climate.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: climate.heater
  - action: climate.set_preset_mode
    metadata: {}
      preset_mode: Comfort
      entity_id: climate.heater
mode: single

This should be lowercase

    to: "on"
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I’ve already tried both lower and upper case. At the same time, it also shows “Last triggered: never” which means it doesn’t even attempt to perform any action.

Definitely should be lowercase.

What’s not working?
Is the automation triggered?

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Edited my response above. Yes, it doesn’t trigger at all.

And to confirm, the schedule.thermostat helper is on.

You realize the automation will only run when the schedule will go from “off” to “on”, right?

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Yes, I do. I’ve changed the scheduler twice to trigger a few minutes later. If there’s nothing else obviously wrong, I’ll just restart the whole thing, maybe something is stuck somewhere.

Update: it works now so probably just a glitch somewhere. Thanks!