Generic thermostat not working (turns off but not on)


I’m new to home assistant so please bear with me on this one… after successfully installing Hassbian and including my devices (Aeotec Multisensor 6, Fibaro wallplug) using a Zwave usb gen 5 on a RPI3+ I wanted to create a simple automation - if temperature goes below X, turn on wallplug. Instead of re-inventing the wheel I read about the generic thermostat and tried to use it.

Though everything looks OK, the wallplug is never turned on if I select ‘heat’ (or the conditions for it to be on are fulfilled) in generic thermostat interface. I can, however, turn the wallplug off if it is already on through the same interface. I’m able to turn the wallplug off or on as a normal switch.

Any clue to what I have missed?

Config below:



  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: frostvakt
    heater: switch.fibaro_system_fgwpef_wall_plug_gen5_switch_3
    target_sensor: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_temperature_3
    min_temp: 7
    max_temp: 15
    ac_mode: False
    target_temp: 10
    cold_tolerance: 0.5
    hot_tolerance: 0
    minutes: 20
    minutes: 3
    initial_operation_mode: “off”
    away_temp: 7

Many thanks,


please format your code

For the switch to be turned on by the generic thermostat, you need to have “heat” selected and the temperature condition needs to be fulfilled. “heat” mode only indicates that the thermostat is active and would start heating if the temperature falls below the treshold (target_temp minus cold_tolerance), but does not turn on the switch by itself. If operation mode is set to “off” the thermostat is inactive and the switch will never be turned on regardless of the temperature.

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Thanks cf0. It still doesn’t turn on the wallplug if both conditions are true (see below).

Any other thoughts?

And apologies petro - how do I format the code? I didn’t find how in the guidelines or in the box (doesn’t seem to be preformated text?).



  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: frostvakt
    heater: switch.fibaro_system_fgwpef_wall_plug_gen5_switch_3
    target_sensor: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_temperature_3
    min_temp: 30
    max_temp: 40
    ac_mode: False
    target_temp: 35
    cold_tolerance: 0.5
    hot_tolerance: 0
    minutes: 20
    minutes: 3
    initial_operation_mode: “auto”
    away_temp: 30