Genernal Automation routine lag

Hi All

I think this is likely going to be almost impossible to answer/it is what it is type things… I was just wondering if people in general see lag with their automations? I have been working quite a lot recently on doing more routine automations in some of my rooms and there in general seems to be a good few seconds between actions occurring and things happening. TBH I understand that there are soo many variables with this that it will make it impossible to answer, things like network latency, performance of the homeassistant host etc…

Assuming no network lag and a powerful enough machine, I will give you an example of what I mean…


I recently watched a brilliant youtube Vid of someone that changes the state of his lights depending on with he is playing or pausing something on his TV/SKY Box. I loved it and wanted to try it. So I have setup the SkyQ integration and configured a few light scenes for play and pause then put an automation that would change the scene depending on the sky Q box play or pause state.

The main issue is that in general things seem to lag by 0.5 to 1 sec (sometimes longer, I guess waiting for HA to see the state change). I know that doesn’t seem long and really as a small price to pay compared to what I am finding to be an awesome home automation system…

I was just wondering if there is anything in general that people do to decrease lag? Most of these states are event driven so should change pretty quickly but perhaps I am setting up the automation in a non-efficient way?

Might not be anything I can do but thought I would ask…

In general how quickly so other peoples automations react?

My gut feeling is that the slowness is just down to these devices actually sending the state change to HA itself. I suspect HA executes them quickly once it actually gets the change.

You need integrations that are local push so that HA knows instantly. With those you can (assuming reasonable hardware) expect effectively instant response.

The SkyQ integration does look to be polling, it takes a second or so for the state to update for me too.

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Thaks for the response, I think you are right. In a lot of cases I am using cloud systems, I will see if there is local integrations for these things. Not all of the integrations seem to have a local API available but worth looking.

Thanks again