Geolocation Entity Setup

Hi all,

I keep searching for this but can’t seem to find anything, maybe I’m using the wrong terms.

I have Node Red pulling in longitude and latitude coordinates from an API and I want to create an entity/device that uses these coordinates for geolocation to tell me where the physical device actually is.

How is this done?

I’m not sure if this helps, but I add JSON attributes named "latitude’ and “longitude” to sensors that I bring in via MQTT, they are then available for geo functions. This is an example of bringing in Purple AQI data. I’ve not done much with this other than display on map, see picture below. It does seem that HA is not very forgiving of the data in these attributes. I believe “NA” and “unknown” type values do not seem to be handled ‘nicely’.

  "timestamp": "1623542199",
  "label": "CARB_Smoke_SBCAPCD_Goleta",
  "pm25": "3.3",
  "aqi": "13.8",
  "category": "Good",
  "category_index": "1",
  "color": "00e500",
  "temperature_f": "85",
  "temperature_c": "29",
  "humidity_pct": "34",
  "pressure_hpa": "1010.4",
  "latitude": "34.4455100",
  "longitude": "-119.8284000",
  "last_seen": "1623516911",
  "reading_age_sec": "0",
  "pm25_current": "3.5",
  "pm25_10_min_avg": "6.2",
  "pm25_30_minu_avg": "6.1",
  "pm25_1_hr_avg": "5.9",
  "pm25_6_hr_avg": "6.8",
  "pm25_24_hr_avg": "5.0",
  "pm25_1_w_avg": "7.9",
  "history_updated": "1623516911.280000",
  "history_delta_ms": "122200",
  "high_reading": "False",
  "downgraded_reading": "False",
  "large_channel_diff": "False",
  "loc": "16705"