Getting a Sunrise transition working (on Yeelight)

Wonder if someone can help - I’m trying to replicate a sunrise on my yeelight…
I see two ways that this might work - the first is that in the Yeelight app there seems to be a pre-made scene called Sunrise - I have no idea how this works so I’m trying a more simple route

The second is simply using the built in commands linked to turn on and lights

I have tried setting a transition of 1200 and setting my colour and end brightness, but I find that the light delays and simply comes on at 100% brightness after a short period (not the 1200 seconds)

Wonder if I’m missing something crucial here and given I guess a few people are doing this then I figured I’d ask…

Not that it matters, but i’m using NodeRed and here is what I was trying…


You’ve probably worked this out but Yeelight does not support Home Assistant transitions. Instead you need to create a transition as a custom effect (see info at Yeelight - Home Assistant) and then call the custom effect using light.turn_on.

Thanks! I didn’t quite work it out, but I did find a solution that worked for me for the time being (using the existing sunrise effect) - it’s not quite perfect so I may try rebuild using a custom effect