I know that owntracks can pull the steps count from IOS devices I was wondering if anyone has been successful in doing so with android phones. I was thinking maybe tasker could do this I have been able to send myself a notification whenever I go past 1000 step milestones but I would like to be able to send this variable via mqtt into HA. I already send my LOC data from tasker via mqtt so all I’m unsure is how to get the steps count variable into a valid json payload to send to mqtt broker.
@qtronik I no longer use this as I use my MiBand to get steps into HA. Whilst the step counters in android are ok I found you don’t always carry around your phone so probably miss around 20% of the actually steps taken on a daily basis.
To get this to work you just add the intent into the same format that other variables are added in owntracks could add this to end of the HTTP body on owntracks &steps=%evtprm1, you will then need to break this out in HA which you can do with a template sensor same as you break the batt etc currently.